1 Free from worries,
clear, not repeated, lines
no erasures
A courageous,
stronger lines
from light to dark lines
B show some fear of making mistakes,
more adult, but still clean.
C strong, bold lines, but a tendency
of feeling mistakes.
Use of eraser
Similarity of lines
2. Lines in general more heavy
than in 1,
however, problem to draw
Confusion on content of the
A. less confusion, lines more clear
B. more confusion,
mix up themes inside elements.
lines more heavy, use of eraser,
3 In general strong lines,
problem of distinguishing themes.
Cannot choose one topic,
push everything in one page.
More complicated than 2.
A. use 2 or three lines in stead of
one, too much worry, use eraser.
B. Use of tone and texture, more complication.
4. Soft lines,
combination of shakey,
soft and bold lines in one drawing
5. Composition as in 4, o.k,
A but lines are more light and less
B More worry, more broken lines.
6 no composition, page space
is not used.
Small pictures, short lines.
A. They know the subject but they do
not know how to draw it
B. less figurative, less understandable
7 have no idea about what
they are drawing. Lines very light, or accidentally dark.
9. composition ok, like 6,
but the use of the lines is much less.
A. multiple lines, not confident.
Texture and tone use.
Different kind of designs in use of ornaments,
borders and corners.
B. softer lines than in A.
C. more heavy line use, texture and
More erasures.
10. Use of rulers or dotted
line, mechanical drawing, the most insecure group.
A. Ruler
B. Dotted line.
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