Shyu, Shyh-Yi.

Mrs. Shyu, Shyh-Yi was born in 1962 in Taiwan.
After receiving her Masters degree in city planning at the University of Taiwan in Taipei, she followed a postgraduate course with Habitat in Leuven, Belgium.
During her studies she started painting and writing, which she continued to do during her professional career in city planning in Taiwan. 
However, her artistic and literary activities slowly began to form her main interest. 

In the period of 1996-1999 she published 4 books:
-A colourful ladder to heaven
-The beauty and sadness of Angkor Wat,  a dancing desire, devoted to God.
-A Nomad's Kitchen
-Street corner without a Home
(all in Chinese.)

From 1997 she lived with her Dutch husband in Ethiopia and Cambodia, and she travelled in S.E. Asia. 
During this period she created a large number of independent paintings and drawings.
Some of these were earlier exhibited in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (in 1999), in Taipei, Taiwan and in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (in 2000).