
The tool was conceived in the WHO, Team of Mental Health Determinants and Populations, Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, by Ms M. Petevi, Technical Officer, Mental Health of Refugees, and elaborated with vast internal and external consultation.

Special thanks are conveyed to
Dr L.H.M. van Willigen, Honorary President, International Society for Health and Human Rights, for her contribution in the development of the document.
Special thanks are also conveyed to
Dr G. A. Jacobs, Professor and Director, the Disaster Mental Health Institute, The University of South Dakota, USA
and to
Dr J. P. Revel, ICRC, Geneva,
for their contributions during the review of the document in September 2000.

WHO wishes to thank and to acknowledge the contributions of the following in reviewing the DECLARATION:
(The names of the experts who in addition to having reviewed, participated at the International Consultation on Mental Health of the Refugees and Displaced Populations in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations, and endorsed the DECLARATION are underlined)
Dr F. Agani, Department of Neuropsychiatry, University Clinical Center, Kosovo;
Ms U. Agomoh, Prisoners Rehabilitation and Welfare Action, Nigeria;
Dr F. Baingana, Mental Health Specialist, The World Bank, USA;
Dr A. Baker, Birzeit University, Palestine;
Prof. C. Ballas, University of Athens and Mental Health Advisor, Ministry of Health, Greece;
Dr H. Bamber, Director, Medical Foundation for Care of Victims of Torture;
Dr T. Baubet, Médecins Sans Frontieres, France;
Ms L. Bremer, Finnish Association for Mental Health Crisis Prevention Center, Finland;
Dr E. B. Brody, Former Secretary General, World Federation for Mental Health, USA;
Dr M. Dualeh, Senior Public Health Officer, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR);
Dr S. Ekblad, Chair, International Committee for Refugees and Migrants, World Federation for Mental Health, Sweden;
Dr M. Elmasri, Algerian Society for Research in Psychology (SARP), Algeria;
Dr S. Fernando, University of Kent and University of North London, U.K.;
Dr C. Garcia-Moreno, Evidence and Information for Policy, WHO, Coordinator, Study on Women's Health and Violence;
Ms S. Grant, Chief of Research and Right to Development Branch, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR), Switzerland;
Dr A. Griekspoor, Emergency Humanitarian Action, WHO, Switzerland;
Dr E. Hauff, Deputy Secretary-General, World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation;
Dr P. Hypsier, WHO Representative, Sri Lanka;
Mr R. Jayasinghe, Program Manager, Mental Health of Refugees, Ministry of Health, Sri-Lanka;
Dr J. de Jong, Director, Transcultural Psychosocial Organization, The Netherlands;
Dr M. Kastrup, World Psychiatric Association, Denmark;
Mr N. Khaled, SARP, Algeria;
Dr A. Mikus Kos, Slovene Philantropy, Slovenia;
Dr G. Labellarte, Italian Psychiatric Organization, Italy;
Dr P. Lahti, President, World Federation for Mental Health, Finland;
Mr J. Lavelle, Director, International Programmes, Harvard Programme in Refugee Trauma, Harvard University, USA;
Dr C. Mandlhate, Regional Mental Health Adviser, WHO/Africa;
Dr J-P. Menu, Former Senior Adviser, Department of Emergency and Humanitarian Action, WHO, Switzerland;
Dr J-C. Metraux, Director, "Appartenances", Switzerland;
Ms P. Mezzetti, Human Rights Officer, UNHCHR;
Dr R. Mollica, Director, Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, USA;
Dr E. Nahim, National Coordinator for Mental Health Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone;
Mr L. Ndahiro, National Coordinator for Mental Health, Ministry of Health, Rwanda;
Dr F. del Ponte, Senior Medical Advisor, Swiss Disaster Relief Unit, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland;
Mr F. Quesney, United Nations Children's Fund, USA;
Dr N. Sartorius, Former President World Psychiatric Association, Professor, University of Geneva, Switzerland;
Dr E. Seheye, National Coordinator for Mental Health, Ministry of Health, Burundi;
Dr B. Sharma, Medical Director, Centre for Victims of Torture, Nepal;
Prof D. Somasundaram, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, University of Jaffna, Sri-Lanka;
Ms B. Stambul, Medecins du Monde, France;
Dr N. Sveaass, Secretary General, International Society for Health and Human Rights.

WHO wishes to thank and acknowledge the contributions of the following National Coordinators for Mental Health of Ministries of Health, of NGOns and of the WHO Country Focal Points for Mental Health for their technical review and adoption of the DECLARATION, at the “Second Meeting on Community-Based Psychosocial Rehabilitation in Post-Conflict Countries”, Zimbabwe, 21-23 February 2000.

National Coordinators for Mental Health:
Dr F. Baingana, Uganda;
Dr N. Bidounga, Congo-Brazzaville;
Dr G. Fetsoumberhan, Eritrea;
Dr E. Grant, Liberia;
Dr Hajihyder Ali, Ethiopia;
Mr M. Lebina, Lesotho;
Dr Mapunza-Ma-Miezi, Democratic Republic of Congo;
Dr E. Nahim, Sierra Leone;
Mr L. Ndahiro, Rwanda;
Dr E. Seheye, Burundi.

International and Non-Governmental Organisations:
Ms U. Agomoh, Executive Director, Prisoners Rehabilitation and Welfare Action, Nigeria;
Dr A. Asnake, Chairman, Rehabilitation Center for Survivors of Extreme Violence of Torture in Ethiopia;
Mr U. Bawa, Representative, International Society for Health and Human Rights, and “Children for Tomorrow” Foundation, South Africa;
Ms M. Christiansen, Legal Advisor, International Rehabilitation Council for Torture, Denmark;
Mrs Y. Kaiteshonga, Director of National Psychosocial Center, Rwanda;
Dr C. Kitoga, Vice-President, Collective Action for Human Rights Development, Rwanda;
Ms S. M. Nomkhosi, Chief Training Officer, South Africa;
Dr S. Nsamba, Medical Director, ACTV, Uganda;
Mr T. Reeler, Clinical Director, AMANI Trust, Zimbabwe.

WHO Focal Points for Mental Health:
Dr D. Berhe, Eritrea; Ms T. Butau, Zimbabwe;
Ms F. Chirwisa, Democratic Republic of Congo;
Dr A. Hailemariam, Ethiopia;
Mrs T. Kitleti, Lesotho;
Dr C. Mandlhate, Regional Mental Health Adviser, WHO/Africa;
Dr J. Marimbu, WHO, Burundi;
Dr L. Nzoutani, Congo-Brazzaville;
Mr B. Sensasi, Uganda;
Dr A. Serufilira, Rwanda;
Dr A. Wurie, Sierra Leone.

Ms Mary Petevi
Back to the Declaration

Jan. 2001.