Chronology of my work in the Arts
2000 Member of the board of Dance Theatre AYA, Amsterdam.
2000 Organisation of Exhibition of Shyu, Shyh-Yi (Laos, Cambodia Taiwan)
'98-'99 Development of a classical dance performance with the Royal Ballet of Cambodia, 
(in co-operation with Lin, Hwai-Min of the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre from Taipei, Taiwan.)
'97 Direction of two performances with Hagr Fikr Theatre, Addis Ababa Ethiopia
'96-'97 Co-operation with  Birru Worku & Bertukan Dejene, graphic artists in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
'84-'91 Stichting Eerste Theaterdwarsstraat
Training of actors in the techniques of the French Théâtre du Soleil, with trainers from 
France and Asia.
Co-production with the french "Théâtre Égaré": "The Ogre" staged in Paris, France.
'The Ogre' (un Dutch) played on the  Jouth Theatre Festival in Den Bosch '87. 
 'The Salamander that moved the sun' played on the Holland festival '88.
 In '91, this company became the jought theatre of the province of Overijssel, 
under the name of 'Rosa Sonnevanck' and moved to Enschede.
'89-90 Kampina Theater, Amsterdam Noord 
In Amsterdam-Noord a former gymnastic hall was reconstructed into a theatre neighbourhood- theatre that still exists. Again: complete internal reconstruction, demolition of shower-area, new 
 sanitation, electricity, audience accommodation, all according to building and fire regulations.
'81-'83 Grand Théâtre Amsterdam. Initiator. 
The first '3rd circuit-theatre' (fringe) in Amsterdam, constructed in the former morgue of the Amsterdam University Hospital that was abandoned.
All the construction work involved in the reconstruction of the building.
The theatre was a base for our performances and several other theatre companies,
'80-'82 Stichting Uitgeverij (Publishing house) De Keizerskroon
'78-79 Doolhof Toneelgroep
Performances: ‘Doolhof’ , 'De Kraakrevue' 
Tour  through Italy in '79. Modena, Rimini, Festival de Sante Arcangelo.
'75-'80 Video-group 'Het Staute Oog'.
 Project Initiator and Trainer.
Videoproductions with neighbourhood committees.
'70-'77 Stichting Zomerstraattheater
Project Initiator. Development and execution of Community Action projects.
General management and policy.
Many different forms of co-operation between professional and amateur Artists in the Amsterdam suburbs.
Development and construction of stages (some on trucks) etc.
'69-'82 StAUT Children's theatre.
Co-initiator, with Manuel de Morais (Angola).
An experimental theatre company that performed for children in difficult circumstances, by students in sociology, psychology, pedagogy, anthropology.
Themes were fatalism, influence, locus of control.
Publication: "Vraag maar aan de Artiesten"
(De Keizerskroon, '82, Amsterdam)
In '71 we performed in the Holland Festival: "Gupia de Indiaan".
Aug'72 International Street Theatre Workshop
Project initiator. As a consequence of the International Student Theatre Festival in Wroclaw (Poland) this workshop was organised in the Netherlands with participants from 11 countries of which 4 from Eastern Europe.
'69-'79  StAUT (Stichting Amsterdams Universitair Toneel), 
board and staff member.

'99 The story of Small Monkey-Ghost
'95 Over Kwaliteit en Organisatie in de Kunst
'94 Scepter- een analyse.
(Paper for Stichting AYA on a dance theatre project of Joost Sternheim, Wies Bloemen, Beppie Blankert, Pratizia Tuerlings, Bianca van Dillen en Wies Merkx)
'94 Zeven stellingen over de Theaterwetenschap.
 (Paper for colloquium dramaturgy, Boekmanstichting.)
'85 De laatste prins en de reden van het bestaan
 (Essay, publ. De Keizerskroon, Amsterdam.)
'81 Vraag maar aan de artiesten.
 (Main author, publ. de Keizerskroon, Amsterdam)
'80 De historische achtergrond van de positie van het Nederlandse Arbeiderskind.
 (Study, publ. StAUT)
'80 Fatalisme.  (Study, publ. StAUT).

Writing and direction in Theatre:

'99-'00 Kogelvrij Glas (prod. Sonnevanck, Enschede)
'98-'99 Hanoman's Anger (Royal Ballet, Royal Academy of the Arts of Cambodia)
’97 The Story of Two Sisters (Hager Fikir Theatre, Addis Ababa)
’97 Turtle Story (Hager Fikir Theatre, Addis Ababa, for refugees from Eritreia.)
’97 Genesis 2 (dance production with Wies Bloemen, Anneke Brassinga, DansWerkplaats Amsterdam).
'93 Luisteren naar de Haan. (dance. produced by De Lantaarn, Rotterdam)
'91 Het is geen Aap (prod. Rosa Sonnevanck)
'91 Hart (prod. Rosa Sonnevanck)
'90 De Geus (prod. Rosa Sonnevanck)
'89 Een Indiaan in haar Hart (not yet produced)
'88 De Salamander die de Zon Verplaatste (prod. eerste Theaterdwarsstraat)
'87 De Menseter (prod. eerste Theaterdwarsstraat)
'86 Diefstal van de Kleine Blinde Koning (not yet produced)
'84 L'Ogre (prod. Théâtre Égaré, Paris)
'83 Het Lot (Theater, fringe.)
'83 1983, half drie 's middags (prod. Grand Théâtre Amsterdam)
'82 Aldo Moro is niet Dood  (prod. Riante Produkties)
'81 Vogel in het Doolhof (prod. Staut-Kindertheater)

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